Langdon Blades Handbook

Players, Parents & Coaches Handbook

Revised March 2024 – Download PDF -> LAHB Handbook revised 3-2024

Mission Statement
Our mission is to promote, develop and administer a competitive hockey program. Our principal purpose is to provide the athletes in the appropriate age group the opportunity to participate in a competitive hockey environment by offering quality coaching, adequate ice time for practice and skill development and exposure to advanced competition through participation in higher caliber games and tournaments.

Core Values
To guide us in our mission, we espouse the following Core Values:

    SPORTSMANSHIP – We expect and require a sense of fair play, being humble in victory and gracious defeat. We will foster friendship with teammates and opponents alike.
    RESPECT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL – We expect that the members and athletes of our organization will treat others as they would expect to be treated.
    INTEGRITY – We require honesty and fair play beyond more strict interpretation of the applicable rules and regulations.
    PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE – Each member, athlete, coach, and other participants will seek to perform to the highest level of their respective ability.
    ENJOYMENT – The hockey experience and membership in our organization should be a fun, rewarding and satisfying experience.
    LOYALTY AND PRIDE – We require loyalty to the ideals of our organization and seek to develop a sense of pride deriving from membership and participation in our organization.
    TEAMWORK – We highly value the strength of working and learning together as a team rather than as an individual.

Dakota Spirit Arena & Langdon Blades Hockey Expectations and Guidelines

Because we are all representatives of the Langdon Blades, our organization is judged by our actions and behavior at all times, at home and away, both on and off the ice. The following points of consideration have been drawn up for the hockey player, coaches and parents. If these points are kept in mind, our program for all ages can continue to grow and improve.

PRACTICES are basic to the growth and development of a hockey player. If a player has a non-excused absence from school without a parent’s consent, that player will not be allowed to play or practice that day. If a player has been sick or injured requiring medical attention, a release to play from the doctor will be required before that player can play or practice again. Any missed practice not previously approved by the coach will result in:

  • 1st time – 1 period suspension to be served on the bench
  • 2nd time – 2 period suspension to be served on the bench

A player cannot play in a game if they are failing more than one class. The player can return to play after they are passing all but one class. If the grade is passing by game day, they are allowed to play that day.  Suspension or expulsion from school shall result in suspension or expulsion from the program.

ALCOHOL/TOBACCO VIOLATIONS or any unlawful activities will result in:

  • 1st Offense – 4-week suspension
  • 2nd Offense – Out for the season

The period of enforcement shall begin on the first practice day of the season until the last practice or game day of the season. Player will participate in practices during the suspension period at the discretion of the player, coach and hockey board. Guilty by association will be reviewed by the hockey board.

VANDALISM to the Dakota Spirit Arena or any other arena will result in:

  • Parents/players are liable for damages.
  • Parents/players must submit written apology to the Board and/or Organization.

HAZING AND/OR INITIATION – The Dakota Spirit Arena will NOT tolerate hazing or initiation practices. Hazing practices are potentially hazardous to life and limb and may often place their victims at risk of physical and emotional damage. The Dakota Spirit Arena and Langdon Area Hockey Boosters join in condemning such practices and could not support and will not tolerate such behavior.

At the least, the word “hazing” includes the following willful acts, with or without the consent of the individual involved:

  • Physical injury, assault or battery;
  • Intentionally placing at risk severe mental or emotional harm;
  • Degradation, humiliation, or compromising of moral or religious values;
  • Forced consumption of any liquid or solid;
  • Placing an individual in physical danger.

Hazing violation by anyone involved with Dakota Spirit Arena will result in:

  • Violations to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the Hockey Board.

HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, OR BULLYING – Which means any written, verbal or physical act, intended to harass or frighten any player, coach, referee or visitor, and includes, but is not limited to threats of physical harm, property damage, bullying or picking on anyone for being fat, thin, tall, short, hair or skin color, being a different culture, having different likes or dislikes, wearing the “wrong” clothes, or unwillingness to use strength to defend him or herself, etc.  This will not be tolerated in our program.

  • Violations to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the Hockey Board. quotes, “That these Hazing or Bullying events will ALWAYS be there – Somebody will be hazed or bullied anytime there are children together, and out of the site of adults.” Dakota Spirit Arena WILL NOT TOLERATE this behavior. We will do everything in our power to make sure these violations do not occur. If the person(s) needs to be removed from the program, we are willing to make that decision.

SWEARING or BACK TALKING to coaches and/or referees will not be tolerated, and discipline shall be left up to the discretion of the coaches.

CELL PHONE USE is a great way to communicate with players, coaches and parents – such as practice times, game schedules, directions, storms, etc. Do not abuse them. No texting coaches during or after a game. If you need to talk to the coach about something, call them. They do not need to respond to a text.

CELL PHONE POLICY – Cell phones or any other devices that are capable of taking a picture are not allowed in the locker rooms. Leave them with a parent, coach, friend, or at the concession area.

DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS during play or practice will be taken care of by the coach. If a player that is double-rostered gets ejected for misconduct in a game, they are required to sit out the following game that day. (For example, a PeeWee player gets kicked out of a game, he/she will not be allowed to play in the Bantam game.)  Disciplinary decisions may include suspension from practice, games, or program activities.  Serious violations of the code of conduct by anyone may include suspension from all arena activities and/or the right to enter the Dakota Spirit Arena.

24 HOUR WAITING PERIOD – If there is a complaint or concern that needs to be addressed, parents must wait 24 hours before contacting the coach. This is to allow enough time to address the issue calmly by both parties. Retaliation, revenge or any harassing behaviors directed at coaches or referees and/or any of his family members is prohibited. Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of the Board policy and will result in immediate revocation of privileges to participate in the LAHB activities for any of your family members.


If there is a complaint or situation that needs to be addressed, the Dakota Spirit Arena and the Langdon Area Hockey Boosters has adopted the following complaint procedure steps:

  • First, bring the complaint to the coach.
  • If not resolved, fill out a LAHB Complaint Form (see attached) and give to the LAHB Ace Coordinator. The Ace Coordinator will attempt to resolve the complaint.
  • If the Ace Coordinator is unable to resolve the issue, he will bring the complaint to the LAHB Board representatives.
  • The Board will take the appropriate measures.

If your complaint is urgent and you feel the complaint needs to be brought to the Board immediately, you may give the LAHB Complaint Form to any Board member.


Coaches are allowed the discretion to determine coaching issues, such as playing time and use of certain player in certain situations. Coaches are not expected to ensure equal time, but we encourage coaches to be equitable with playing time for participants.

Remember that you are older and stronger that most players. Intimidation or excessive physical contact must be avoided, the striking of a player will NOT be tolerated.

Cursing and profanity will NOT be tolerated. Coaches are a model for players, the players will imitate your behavior and attitude.

Work toward a positive attitude. Criticism can be frustrating for the kids. Look for skills and achievement to compliment. Find words of praise for a player’s improvements. Such positive reinforcement can be an effective coaching technique.

Attend coaches and official’s meetings.


Make sure your player(s) is on time for practices and picked up promptly after practice.

It is your responsibility to make sure your player(s) is dressed, and skates are tightened in time for practice and/or games. This is not the coach’s responsibility.

Parents are expected to volunteer throughout the hockey season.

Parents are expected to conduct themselves as adults at our arena and other arenas. Parents who are disruptive can and will be asked to leave.

North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association (NDAHA) Codes of Conduct

Parents Code of Conduct

  • Do not force your children to participate in sports but support the desires to play their chosen sport. Children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment. Make it fun.
  • Encourage your child to play by the rules. Remember, children learn best by example, so applaud the good plays of both teams.
  • Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches, or officials. By showing a positive attitude toward the game and all of its participants, your child will benefit.
  • Emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit your young athlete. De-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.
  • Know and study the rules of the game and support the officials on and off the ice. This approach will help in the development and support of the game. Any criticism of the the officials only hurts the game.
  • Applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat and enforce the positive points of the game. Never yell or use verbal abuse in your sports.
  • Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches, they are important to the development of your child and the sport. Communicate with them and support them.
  • If you enjoy the game, learn all you can about hockey and volunteer.

Players Code of Conduct

  • Play for FUN
  • Work hard to improve your skills
  • Be a team player – get along with your teammates
  • Learn teamwork, sportsmanship and discipline
  • Be on time for practices and games
  • Learn the rules and play by them. Always be a good sport
  • Respect your coach, your teammates, your parents, opponents and officials
  • Never argue with an official’s decision.

Coaches Code of Conduct

  • Winning is a consideration, but not the only one, nor the most important one. Care more about the child than winning the game. Remember, players are involved in hockey for fun and enjoyment.
  • Be a positive role model to your players, display emotion, maturity and be alert to the physical safety of players.
  • Be generous with your praise when it is deserved; be consistent and honest; be fair and just; do not criticize players publicly; learn to be a more effective communicator and coach; don’t yell at players.
  • Adjust to personal needs and problems of players; be a good listener; never verbally or physically abuse a player or official; give all players the opportunity to improve their skills, gain confidence and develop self-esteem; teach them the basics.
  • Organize practices that are fun and challenging for your players. Familiarize yourself with the rules, techniques and strategies of hockey; encourage all your players to be team players.
  • Maintain an open line of communication with your player’s parents. Explain the goals and objectives of your association.
  • Be concerned with the overall development of your players. Stress good health habits and clean living.
  • To play the game is great; to love the game is better.

Spectators Code of Conduct

  • Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players, coaches, and officials.
  • Act appropriately; do not taunt or disturb other fans; enjoy the fame together.
  • Cheer good plays of all participants; avoid booing opponents.
  • Cheer in a positive manner and encourage fair play; profanity and objectionable cheers or gestures are offensive.
  • Help provide a safe and fun environment; throwing any items on the ice surface can cause injury to players and officials.
  • Do not lean over or pound on the glass; the glass surrounding the ice surface in part of the playing area.
  • Support the referees and coaches by trusting their judgment and integrity.
  • Be responsible for your own safety – be alert to prevent accidents from flying pucks and other avoidable situations.
  • Respect locker rooms as private areas for players, coaches and officials.
  • Be supportive after the game – win or lose. Recognize good effort, teamwork and sportsmanship.


Please follow the complaint procedure as listed in the LAHB Handbook. This form needs to be completed, signed and mailed or delivered to the designated LAHB Ace Coordinator, as listed on Board Members page, within 48 hours of the incident.

Date of Incident: ____________________________ Time: _____________

Location of Incident: _____________________________

Individual(s) Involved: _______________________________________________

Please explain in detail the incident:





Witnesses that observed the incident: ____________________________________


Other Comments:



Name: _____________________ Address: ________________________

Phone #: _____________________

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Handbook Consent
I have read the Langdon Area Hockey Boosters Handbook and consent to have my child and family members participate in LAHB events under these rules and regulations.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________
Date: _______________________________

Parent/Guardian of: ________________________


Handbook Consent
I have read the Langdon Area Hockey Boosters Handbook and consent to have my child and family members participate in LAHB events under these rules and regulations.
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Parent/Guardian of: ________________________


Dakota Spirit Arena Site and Theme maintained by KJS
